Title I, II, III
The Office of Special Projects administers and coordinates the implementation of state and federal categorical programs.
These programs include:
Title I: Helping Disadvantaged Children
The purpose of Title I Part A is to ensure that all children have a fair and equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on the state content standards and assessments. The intent of this program is to meet the educational needs of low-achieving students enrolled in the highest poverty schools.
Title II: Teacher Quality (Professional Development)
The purpose of Title II Part A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts (1) improve teacher and principal quality through professional development and other activities, and (2) provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers.
Title III: Program for Limited English Proficient Students
The purpose of the Title III is to provide supplementary programs and services that assist limited-English-proficient (LEP) students to acquire English and achieve grade-level and graduation standards.
Title IV: Program for Student Support and Academic Enrichment
The purposes of Title IV, Part A are to (1) provide access to a well-rounded education; (2) improve school conditions for learning; (3) improve the use of technology to improve academic achievement and digital literacy.
These programs provide supplemental services for students from low-income families and students who are English learners. Additionally, these programs provide for teacher and administrator training and professional development to assist our staff in achieving the high level teaching skills required to serve our community with the level of education that every child deserves. These programs are applied for through the Consolidated Application for categorical funding, which is submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE).
The Office of Special Projects is also responsible for:
All Categorical Functions
- Compliance Issues
- Consolidated Application/Categorical Program Funding
- ELD Instructional Assistance
- ELPAC Testing
- Private Schools
- School Site Councils
- School Plans
- Time Accounting