CAASPP Student Score Reports
At the end of last school year, students in grades three through eight and high school participated in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), or the California Alternate Assessment (CAA). This year-end test is part of the California assessment system and it is aligned with California's academic standards. These standards represent the things that we want students to know and be able to do. They are intended to ensure that all students graduate ready for college and a career.
The California Department of Education is transitioning to paperless delivery of CAASPP individual student score reports. Therefore, the Hawthorne School District has created a parent portal accessible in PowerSchool. The PowerSchool parent portal will allow you access to view all of your child’s CASSPP/CAA student score reports.
Student Score Reports can now be accessed electronically through the parent portal on our student information system, PowerSchool.
How to access the Parent Portal in PowerSchool
Como acceder el Portal de Padres en PowerSchool
**Your username and password were mailed home and can also be obtained at your school's office, once school is in session.
**Su identificación de Acceso y contraseña de acceso se enviaron por correo a casa y también se pueden obtener en la oficina de su escuela, una vez que la escuela está en sesión.
To learn more about your child’s scores, go to the new parent web page, Starting Smarter. This web page will give you information about the overall score, what level that score falls into, and possible strengths and weaknesses.
On the California Department of Education’s CAASPP Student Score Report Information webpage, you will find videos, such as Understanding the Student Score Report that will walk you through the different areas of the report itself. The site also contains links to the Parent Guides to the Summative Assessments, which will show sample items broken down by score level, so that you can see what types of questions your student would get correct based on their individual score.
The Hawthorne School District’s Common Core webpage is also filled with a variety of resources related to both the state assessments and classroom