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GATE Parent Resources


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Gifted Resources
Resources and links for gifted kids.

Center for Talent Development
A Northwestern University program that offers a number of online learning opportunities for gifted students of all ages.

California Association for the Gifted (CAG)
California Association for the Gifted (CAG) is an organization of educators and parents dedicated to meeting the unique needs or"gifted and talented students. CAG was started in 1966 by a group of educators and parents who wanted to make a difference hi the lives of gifted students. CAG is one of the nation's largest state advocacy groups of its kind, providing its members informational training about the education of gifted and talented students.

National Association for Gifted Children
The national organization for parents teachers and administrators interested in spreading knowledge and awareness about gifted students and gifted education. Includes gifted-education standards.

GT Kids and Behavior: Seven Strategies to Help Kids (and Parents) Cope
Gifted kids are a unique and challenging group – for teachers and for parents. They view the world through an entirely unique lens, one that is best summed up in one word. Intense. This intensity refers to how gifted individuals approach life. At its best, intensity is the driving passion that enables some people to achieve amazing things – in any domain. But at its worst, it is the turmoil that has the power to consume these same individuals from time to time as they learn how to manage that aspect of their personality.

Learning Opportunities


California State University, Los Angeles offers gifted and talented students grades 9-12 the opportunity to take college courses for credit (323) 343-3131. 
Summer academy programs
Gifted and Talented students grades 1-12 may take a wide variety of high interest classes at California State University Northridge (CSUN). The programs are as follows: The Summer Academy Program for Elementary, grades 1-6; the Summer Academic Enrichment Program, grades 6-12, (818) 677-3333; and the Teenage Drama Workshop, grades 7-12, (818) 677-3086.

UCI Academic Talent Search and Summer Enrichment Program
Gifted and Talented students grades 6-10 may take pre-college class and/or boost test taking skills (949) 824-5069.

The Johns Hopkins University Elementary Students Talent Search
Gifted and Talented students grades 2, 3, & 4 are identified with exceptional mathematical and/or verbal reasoning abilities.

Academic Talent/UC Berkeley

U.S. Dept. of Education

Reading List



Galbraith, Judy, and Jim DelisleThe Gifted Kids’ Survival Guide. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 1996.


Halsted, Wynn. Some of My Best Friends Are Books: Guiding Gifted Readers from Pre-School to High School. Gifted Psychology Press, 1994. ISBN: 0-910707-24-3. (602) 954-4200.

Harris, Phyllis YFrom the Soul (Stories of Great Black Parents and the Lives They Gave Us.)  New York: The Berkeley Publishing Group, 2001.

Rodriguez, Gloria GRaising Nuestros Ninos (Bringing up Latino Children in a Bicultural World). New York: Fireside Publishing (Simon & Schuster Inc.), 1999.

Saunders, Jacqulyn, & Pamela EspelandBringing Out the Best (A Guide for Parents of Young Gifted Children). Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 1991.

Strip, Carol A., and Gretchen HirschHelping Gifted Children Soar. Great Potential Press, Inc., 2000. (This book is also printed in Spanish.)

Walker, Sally YahnkeThe Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids (How to Understand Live With, and Stick Up for Your Gifted Child). Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 2002. (800) 735-7323.

Webb, James T., Elizabeth A. Meckstroth and Stephanie S. Tolan. Guiding the Gifted Child (A Practical Source for Parents and Teachers). Scottsdale:  Great Potential Press (formerly Gifted Psychology Press), 1994. ISBN: 0-910707-006. (602)954-4200.