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HMSA Proposition 28: Arts and Music in Schools Funding

Annual Report

Fiscal Year 2023-24

 Name: Hawthorne Math and Science Academy
CDS Code: 1964592-0100354
Charter School Number: 523
Allocation Year: 2023-24

 1. Narrative description of the Prop 28 arts education program(s) funded. (2500 character limit).

The Arts and Music in Schools funding has not been utilized because we are still in the process of hiring the staff that will be implementing the initiatives from each of the school sites' art plans.  The District faced challenges in hiring sufficient certificated and classified employees to provide arts education programs during the 2023-2024 school year. The Human Resources Department has been actively reviewing transcripts and credentials from current staff for Arts instruction.

 2. Number of full-time equivalent teachers (certificated). 0

3. Number of full-time equivalent personnel (classified). 0

4. Number of full-time equivalent teaching aides. 0

5. Number of students served. 0

6. Number of school sites providing arts education. 0

Date of Approval by Governing Board/Body: 7/10/2024

 Annual Report Data URL:

Completed By: Erika Ayala

Title: Assistant Superintendent - Educational Services


Telephone: 310-676-2276