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Enrollment Requirements


Grades TK-8

Two (2) Proofs of Residency

Primary: Title papers, mortgage payment, or original rental agreement with name and phone number of owner/manager/management company (required).

Secondary: Utility Bill: Gas, electric, trash, or water bill (must be dated within 60 days & no disconnection notices) or property tax payment receipt, pay stub, voter registration or other correspondence from a government agency (DMV, Medi-Cal, IRS, Social Security, etc.) or other proof as approved by school personnel.

Car/homeowner/rental insurance, car registration, or other proof as approved by school personnel. If the above mentioned proofs are in someone else’s name, both parties must complete a Declaration of Residency. A home check will be done within one week after placement of the student.

Parent/guardian Identification

Photo I.D. card or driver’s license of parent or guardian

Proof of Age

For Kindergarten students, one of the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Affidavit of Birth
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Passport

For 1st through 8th Grade, one of the following:

  • Transfer or report card from previous school with birth date listed
  • Birth Certificate, Affidavit of Birth, Baptismal Certificate, or Passport

Proof of Grade/School Attendance

  • Transfer papers
  • Last report card given
  • If student is in any Special Education program (RSP, SDC, and Speech), parent/guardian must provide a current signed IEP.

Immunization Records

For Preschool:

  • 3 Polio, 4 DTaP (Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis), 3 Hepatitis B, 1 Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • 1 Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b)
  • 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) on or after 1st birthday

For TK/K through 12th grade:

  • DTaP, DTP, Tdap, or Td – 5 doses (4 doses okay if one given on or after 4th birthday; 3 doses okay if one given on or after 7th birthday)
  • Polio (OPV or IPV) – 4 doses (3 doses okay if one given on or after 4th birthday)
  • Hep B – 3 doses
  • MMR – 2 doses (both given on or after 1st birthday)
  • Varicella – 2 doses

For students entering 7th grade:

  • Tdap – 1 dose
  • Varicella – 2 doses

Physical Examination Record for 1st graders

Must have doctor's signature and stamp.

Physical Examination Record

Oral Health Assessment (dental screening)

Oral Health Assessment Evaluación de la Salud Oral


For new enrolling Kindergartners or 1st graders

To be completed by May 31st during the first year of enrollment.