Uniform Complaint Procedures
The Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) is a written and signed statement by a complainant alleging a violation of federal or state laws or regulations, which may include an allegation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or charging pupil fees for participation in an educational activity or non-compliance. The person who receives the complaint shall respond to the parent in writing within 60 days. The parent may appeal to CDE within 15 days if not in agreement with the final report. Programs and activities subject to the UCP process include: Accommodations for pregnant and parenting pupils; After School Education and Safety; child care and development; compensatory education; course periods without educational content; education of pupils in foster care, pupils who are homeless, former juvenile court pupils now enrolled in the school district, and children of military families; Every Student Succeeds Act; Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP); physical education instructional minutes; pupil fees; reasonable accommodations to a lactating pupil; School Plans for Student Achievement; school safety plans; School site Councils; and state preschool.
Please contact Matthew Rohrer, Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, or Rudy Salas, Director of Pupil Services, if you would like more information on how to file a complaint with the school or district, prior to appealing to the CDE. For more information, you may go to the CDE website: https://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cp/
Williams Compliant Procedure
Williams Uniform Complaint Form
Williams Uniform Complaint Form Spanish
UCP Annual Notification
UCP Annual Notification Spanish